Introduction to Shamanism

Online Course

Watch this free introductory course and learn about the ancient tradition of shamanism and how it has evolved and adapted to the present day.


A note from Roxana Valea, Course Instructor:

This course is designed to awaken your interest in the fascinating world of shamanism.

In the following video lessons, we will discuss what shamanism is and isn't, what a shamanic energy medicine session consists of and we will present some of the processes and tools that shamans use.

While there are many shamanic traditions in the world, the information presented in this course is based on my training in the shamanic practices of the Q'ero shamans from Peru and refers to the way I practice shamanism.


 What is Shamanism 

The Shamanic Energy Medicine Session


Shamanic Tools


Shamanic Processes Part 1

Shamanic Processes Part 2 

Your instructor:

Photo - Roxana Valea

After a career of over 20 years in the business world, Roxana Valea has become a modern shaman and trained with the Four Winds Society, one of the leading shamanic institutes of the world. She is also a Reiki master and a certified coach, as well as a published author with five books.

 Roxana believes in applying the same high professional standards she has learned in her corporate days to the world of energy and healing. She is passionate about finding and maintaining the balance between the creative and intuitive right brain and the analytical and structured left brain.

"I’ve received the Munay Ki rites in 2017, during my shamanic initiations and I have witnessed a huge increase in the quality of my life ever since. This course comes as a tribute to the power and beauty of these energy transmissions and an invitation for others to fully step into embracing their highest destiny." Roxana Valea

This course is included with your BASIC membership.