Yoga: Practice. Focus. Surrender.

May 29, 2023

by Angela Santosa

Angela Santosa, a yoga and breath-work teacher, is one of the body therapists at The HEAL Institute. She not only teaches yoga. She breathes, lives and embodies yoga. In this blog post, she shares her morning routines, her thoughts on raising vibration and the mantras that she uses in her yoga practice.

I love to sit in silence first thing every morning. I use Tibetan bells to start and finish my meditation. The birds loudly celebrate the dawn as I witness the glory of this majestic life. It feels like an essential sacred meeting with myself. I always end up smiling and feeling grateful for waking up and for my beautifully graceful and healthy body, for my creative mind and for just being here.

Sometimes the weather isn't great, but the sun is always there behind the clouds. I believe the same thing happens to all beings. We are all Divine Love and light, but sometimes we forget that and our ego covers the Divine with grey clouds.

We can also forget that we generate love, joy, happiness, abundance, peace and freedom so we start looking for these feelings outside of ourselves. For example, sometimes money can be used as a substitute for lost feelings - that sense of lack. Of course in reality money is just a concept which is used as an energy exchange in the physical world - a practical thing, but nothing more. Everything we look for on the outside we can generate from the inside. The more we act to generate gratitude, love, acceptance, peace and light, the more wonderful the world will be around us. These high vibrations defeat lower vibrations like fear, anger and disease. Together we can raise our vibrations by practising meditation, and yoga and participate in the highest good which is available for humanity.

The Mantras and Prayers that Angela uses in her yoga practice

Opening prayer:

Om Asato Ma Sadgamaya

Tamasoma Jyotir Gamaya

Mrityorma Amritam Gamaya

Om Shanti Shanti Shantih


Lead me from Untruth to Truth

From Darkness to Light

From Mortality to Immortality

Om (Universal Sound) Peace, Peace, Peace.


Yogena Cittasya Padena Vacam

Malam Sarirasya Ca Vaidyakena

Yopakarottam Pravaram Muninam

Patanjalim Pranajali Ranato'smi

Shri Gurave Namah


I bow to the energy of Lord Patangalim,

Who influenced my mind through his work of Yoga,

Speech through his work on Grammer,

And the removal of impurities as a Doctor (Ayurvedic Medicine).


Closing prayer:

Om Poornamadah, Poornamidam,

Poornaat Poornamudachyate, –

Poornasya Poornamaadaaya,


Shri Gurave Namah

oṃ svasti prajābhyaḥ paripālayantām

nyāyena mārgeṇa mahīṃ mahīśāḥ .

gobrāhmaṇebhya śubhamastu nityam

lokā samastā sukhino bhavantu .

May there be prosperity to the subjects, the rulers protecting the world in a lawful manner; may the cows and Brahmanas have auspiciousness eternally, may all the people be prosperous, may the rains shower in the proper season, may the earth be prosperous with the abundant crops; may the country be free from distress, may the Brahmanas be fearless.

Angela’s online yoga course starts on Tuesday 30 May check it here:

Standard Course:

VIP Course:


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