What Is Kundalini Dance?

Jun 12, 2023
Woman dancing - Photo credit Darius Bashar Unsplash

by Juliana Arango

Juliana Arango, a somatic awakening for women therapist at The HEAL Institute is a Kundalini Dance™ Facilitator, as well as Tao Hands and Reiki Grade 2 therapist. Her passion is to serve women that are ready to shine again. In this blog post she talks about Kundalini Dance and its power to bring the divine masculine and feminine energies in perfect harmony within us all.

This ancient Tantric practice brings the Divine feminine and masculine energies into perfect harmony by allowing us to tap into the power of Shakti and Shiva, the Divine feminine and masculine energies that are within us all. As we move through each chakra, we can allow ourselves to enter into a sacred space of inner union and explore our higher truth and infinite potential. This divine union creates an alchemical key that can be used to unlock the dormant energy stored within us and raise our vibration to a higher level.

The process involves grounding ourselves into the core of the earth's energy, connecting our womb to the earth's womb, and then rising that energy up through all of our chakras to awaken our inner power. This can be a powerful experience, not only allowing us to release any stuck or stagnant energy, but also providing an opportunity to bring our conscious and unconscious awareness into alignment with our higher energetic truth. We learn how to move energy through our body and how to stay connected to our inner truth. The practice of dancing in a group can be both primal and ecstatic, while allowing us to share the collective energy of each dancer as we move together in perfect harmony.

It's a powerful practice that supports healing in the body and mind. Using movement and rhythmic breath, we explore our inner landscape to unlock the potential of Kundalini Energy. Which is the divine power that resides within each of us, though we often feel cut off from it due to life’s many challenges and traumas. This movement practice allows us to reconnect with our bodies and access this divine energy with intention.

During a Kundalini Dance session, we move through the different stages of grieving. We honour our anger, sadness, and pain rather than push them away. We move through our experiences to explore and uncover powerful emotions, thoughts and experiences that are buried in our subconscious.

What makes this practice so powerful is that we are able to safely express our emotions through movement and breath while discovering the truth of who we are and what we’re capable of. This can be an incredibly potent experience, allowing us to heal and grow in ways we never thought possible.

It’s much more than just a physical practice – it’s an exploration of our inner truth. We learn to surrender to the present moment – the good, the bad and the ugly – allowing us to break through old patterns and find a path of healing and evolution.

I invite you to join me for a Kundalini Dance practice to experience the power of this ancient practice for yourself. Step into the present moment, tap into your inner wisdom and see what hidden gems await you in the depths of your being.


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