The Link Between Anger and Your Liver

Sep 18, 2023

by Roxana Valea

Roxana is an energy medicine therapist and also the founder of The HEAL Institute. In this article, she shares some research on the link between the emotion of anger and one of the most important organs in your body: the liver!

When we think of our emotions, we assume they are immaterial – that they arise somewhere in the mind and then they simply disappear. But traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) disagrees. Here's what I found out about the link between your liver and your anger.

Traditional Chinese Medicine is a holistic system of medicine that has been practised for thousands of years in China and other parts of East Asia. It is a comprehensive medical system that encompasses various practices and therapies aimed at promoting health, preventing illness, and treating a wide range of medical conditions. It’s deeply rooted in traditional Chinese philosophy and culture, and it takes a holistic approach to understanding and treating the human body. 

When it comes to emotions, TCM sees them as an integral aspect of overall health, and imbalances in emotions can impact the functioning of specific organs.

For instance, anger would be connected to the liver. This doesn't mean that the liver directly causes anger or vice versa, but rather that there is a relationship between the two in terms of energy flow and balance. The liver is considered to be responsible for the smooth flow of Qi (vital energy) throughout the body. When this flow is disrupted, it can manifest as emotional and physical issues.

Experiencing excessive or prolonged anger can lead to a disruption in the flow of Qi in the liver, potentially causing various physical and emotional symptoms. Likewise, a compromised liver function due to factors such as poor diet, alcohol consumption, or stress could contribute to emotional imbalances like irritability and anger. And thus a loop is formed between anger and the state of your liver – the more anger you experience the worse the state of your liver. And the more burdened the liver the more you’re likely to experience anger.

TCM practitioners aim to restore balance by addressing the underlying disharmony in the liver. This can involve acupuncture, herbal remedies, dietary recommendations, and lifestyle changes. Certain herbs and acupuncture points are believed to help regulate liver Qi and ease emotional symptoms associated with anger.

But what if you’re not a TCM expert? What can you do? Simply put, look after your liver. My favourite heath guru is Anthony William, the author of Medical Medium and a few other books. Here’s what he advises for a liver detox: 

Celery Juice: Drink one large glass of fresh celery juice on an empty stomach every morning. This is the best help you can give your liver and kickstart your morning.

Fruit Consumption: Consume a diet high in fruits, particularly various types of berries, which Anthony Williams believes can provide antioxidants and nutrients that support liver health.

Avoid Troublemaker Foods: These would be gluten, dairy, eggs, GMO modified foods, alcohol, caffeine and processed foods make it to the top of the list.

Supplements: Anthony William recommends specific supplements, such as spirulina, barley grass juice powder, and wild blueberry powder, which can aid in detoxification.

Reduce fat intake: away from any type of fats until noon so that you give your liver an extended window to detoxify.

Not convinced? Give it a try for at least a week and see how you feel! and come back to find out more. Next week I'll share my favourite detox process and how I felt when I completed it.


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